Senin, 10 Maret 2014

preparation hike

General preparation must a climber before starting to climb the mountain , among others :

Bringing navigation tools such as climbing location map , maps , altimeters [ height gauge somewhere on the surface of the sea ] , or compass . To that end , a climber should know how to read maps and do the orientation . Do occasionally climb when the group experienced no in-depth knowledgeable about climbing and navigation .

  1.     Make sure the condition of the body healthy and strong . Exercise such as running or swimming on a regular basis before climbing .
  2.     Bring appropriate climbing equipment . For example, waterproof jacket or poncho , separate clothes for dry camping should always travel with clothes , shoes or rubber boots ( not a wearing ) , flashlight and batteries to taste , tents , sleeping bags , mattresses .
  3.     Calculate the travel time to adjust logistics needs . How much should carry rice , fuel , side dishes , and plates and glasses . Bring water containers should always be filled all the way .
  4.     Bring medical equipment , such as iodine , bandages , and specific drugs for patients with certain illnesses .
  5.     Do not be ashamed to learn and discuss with a group of nature lovers who are now scattered in secondary schools or universities .
  6.     Measure the ability of self . If not able to continue the trip , do not hesitate to get back home .

Mental readiness

Mentally very influential , because if being fit mentally , physically it will fit , but it could have happened otherwise . To determine the mental state of a person is fit or not is not easy . Surely that is a better understanding of this mental state is ourselves . Mental readiness in person will greatly affect the condition of the team . If the mental readiness is not in a fit condition it would be nice if it did not impose themselves .

Physical readiness

Some physical exercise we need to do , for example : stretching / stretching [ before and after sports activities , do stretching , so our bodies can be trained elasticity ] . Jogging ( jog ) The length of time and distance according to our ability , but the time , distance and speed constantly from the time we added earlier . Other exercises could be sit-ups , push - ups and pull - ups Do as our ability and Increase the portion exceeding the previous portion .

readiness Administration

Prepare all the necessary procedures for licensing enter the area to be addressed .

Readiness Skills and Knowledge

Knowledge to be able to live in the wild . Minimum capabilities that need for climbers is the knowledge of land navigation , survival and EMC [ emergency medical care ] practical .

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